Burda boss n ° 9298: baby sleeping bag

12,90 €

SKU: 9298

With this sleeping bag, composed of inflatable and doubled Vlieselline, babies will always be well wrapped. The borders with sleeves and small legs constitute pleasant finishes. The long front closing at the front also facilitates the covering and undressing of the child. Tip: to overcome the temperature increase in summer, just sew the sleeping bag without swollen vlieselline or sleeves. Size : 68 to 98 cm

Burda boss n ° 9298: Draft with legs

With this sleeping bag, composed of inflatable and doubled Vlieselline, babies will always be well wrapped. The borders with sleeves and small legs constitute pleasant finishes. The long front closing at the front also facilitates the covering and undressing of the child. Tip: to overcome the temperature increase in summer, just sew the sleeping bag without swollen vlieselline or sleeves.

Size : 68 to 98 cm

Level : easy

Fabrics: Jersey, fabrics for sweatshirts, fleece mesh

Haberdashery: AB: VlieSeline Molleton X 50. Thermocoling spans. 1 zipper t. 68: 35 cm, t. 74 86: 40 cm, t. 92 98: 45 cm.

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