Transparent elastic adhesive fabric Stretchfix 30mmx 5m vlieseline

4,99 €

SKU: 53597541

Transparent elastic adhesive fabric Stretchfix 30mmx 5m vlieseline Elastic adhesive fabric activated by heat on paper support. For simple and easy heat patch. No need to sew. All fabrics. Stretchfix is ​​a double elastic double-coloring strip, on paper support.

Transparent elastic adhesive fabric Stretchfix 30mmx 5m vlieseline

Elastic adhesive fabric activated by heat on paper support. For simple and easy heat patch. No need to sew. All fabrics. Stretchfix is ​​a double elastic double-coloring strip, on paper support.

Sale unit: 30mm x 5m

1. Iron the stretchfix T30 along the edge in 2-3 points, dry, between 10-12 s. Then pass the hem in the fold with the width of the brand (before removing the paper). Thus, you immediately defined the width of the hem and the fold without having to measure.

2. Then let the paper cool completely and take it off.

3. Fold the hem upwards, cover it with a damp cloth and press in 2 or 3 points for about 10 to 12 seconds. Do not drag the iron.


• elastic

• Thermoreactive

• Precise work of the without measurement

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