Tutorial: tied tunic sweater


An original and stylish room to wear on your prettiest blouses!

Level ★☆☆

Duration: 3h

Material :

• Cotton fabric Minkee sweatshirt

Matching thread



Stop for stretch fabrics 80

• Basic equipment: pair of scissors, mesureing tape, ruler, erasable pen

Sewing machine



Measurements of your sweater

This tutorial is planned without pattern, you can sew it so that it is adapted to your morphology by taking your measurements as follows:


Measure your build (from shoulder to shoulder) while standing straight

For example C = 42 cm. Do the following calculation: C + 2 cm + 2 cm (sewing value) Example: C = 42 + 2 + 2 = 48 cm.

Pull height

Measure your bust height starting from the shoulder to your size. For example H = 38 cm

Do the following calculation: H + 20 cm + 2 cm (Coutre value) Example: H = 38 + 20 + 2 = 60 cm.

Making steps

Cut the fabric

Bust back and front

Cut two rectangles of fabric according to the measurements you have previously taken. Example: two rectangles of 48 x 60 cm.

Side bands

Cut 2 strips in length = (H x 2) - 2 cm

Example: (60 x 2) - 2 = 118 cm. For the width take 11 cm.


Cut 5 strips of 55 x 11 cm.

The neckline:

Fold your back and front in the length direction, locate 12 cm from point A to point B and 7 cm from point A to point C. Draw a pretty curve to create your neckline, cut the 4 tissue thicknesses by following your route

Assemble the shoulders with the place 1cm from the edge. Pass the seams

Measure the perimeter of the neckline (E) and cut a strip of fabric of E X 0.85 cm long by 10 cm wide. Example: 68 x 0.85 cm = 57.8 cm. The tissue strip for the collar will measure 57.8 x 10 cm. Be careful to cut it well in the stretch sense of fabric.

Assemble the collar place against the place by the small sides 1 cm from the edge to the stretch point. Spread the seam with iron.

Fold the collar towards against and mark equidistant benchmarks as in the photo.

Identify the front and backgrounds of your neck. Spin the seam of the collar place against the middle of the middle back. Align the benchmarks of the neck with those collar: shoulders and midfielder in front

Pull the collar so that he marries the neckline and continue to pin.

Prick 1 cm from the edge the 3 thicknesses of fabric. Overward the sewing value. Iron the collar upwards. (Optional: you can sew a stitching on the edge of the cot sewing to maintain the seam value in place)



Fold the 4 knots in the length of the right place. Spin a little side as well as the long side. Sew 1 cm from the edge.

Show the angles. Return the 4 bands and go back well

Update the bottom of the front and back of your sweater.

Assemble the small sides of the side strips 2 cm from the edge.

Hear and turn over and go back over the entire length. Fold the band in half to locate your environment and pin it with the shoulder seam.

Pin all along, at the bottom of the sweater, fold down the seam value of the hem (2 cm) inside the garment.

Do the same for both sides. In terms of your knots, pin the nodes perpendicular to the side of the sweater. Prick all the thicknesses 1 cm from the edge and over make up.

Return the seam values ​​to the inside of the garment, the knots outwards. Mark the hem with a 2 cm iron.

Prick the hem 2 cm from the edge. Sew a stitching of keeping on each node band at the level of the side strip.

Well done ! You have made the tied tunic sweater, do not hesitate to share your creation with the #lesouponsdesaintpierre 

See you soon 



Reminder to all reading …. NO

Lydia De February 10, 2025

where is the pattern?

agustina December 29, 2024

Bonjour, est ce que vous le faites pour des clients et vous les vendez? Cdt

Dec December 27, 2024
Belle idée Je vais réaliser rapidement
Dessenius November 26, 2024

Bonjour je ne comprends rien à l
Explication du col et de la façon
Dont le coudre
Pourriez vous m éclairer svp ? Merci

Martinaud October 14, 2024

Bonjour je ne comprends rien à l
Explication du col et de la façon
Dont le coudre
Pourriez vous m éclairer svp ? Merci

Martinaud October 14, 2024

Bonjour je ne comprends rien à l
Explication du col et de la façon
Dont le coudre
Pourriez vous m éclairer svp ? Merci

Martinaud October 14, 2024

Excelente!!!Muchas Gracias por compartir sus conocimientos.
Voy a coser varias para todas mis sobrinas, será un bonito regalo ahora que está llegando el invierno.

Lilita. April 22, 2024

Peut on le faire avec un autre tissus

Hiriberry February 27, 2024

Merci grâce au calcul on peut faire pour les enfants aussi

Philippe February 20, 2024

Petit erreur de calcul.
Si la largeur d’épaule à épaule est de 42cm et que j’ajoute 2cm de marge de chaque côté donc : 42 + 2 + 2 j’obtiens 46cm !

Delphine February 03, 2024

merci pour ce tuto je vais le réaliser très rapidement

bourhis jeanne January 22, 2024

merci pour ce tuto je vais le réaliser très rapidement

bourhis jeanne January 22, 2024

I really like this piece!
may I ask, if you have the instructions in english/german as well?

Kind regards!

Tanja December 11, 2023

Je viens de le réaliser en bleu marine, très chic pour l’été avec une chemise blanche.
Attention 2 erreurs
On coupe 4 bandes pour les noeuds et non 5
Et une, en plus, pour la réalisation du col ( + ou – 55cms en fonction du tour de col)

Évelyne Renaud July 28, 2023

Bonjour, J’aime beaucoup ce tuto et j’aime encore plus la chemise. Pourriez-vous me dire si vous vendez cette dentelle et sinon avez vous ses références ainsi que celles du patron utilisé ? Avec mes remerciements.

Boursier March 21, 2023

Bonjour, comment puis remplacer la surjeteuse ? Car je débute la couture et pour le moment je n’ai pas ce matériel.

Fanny March 13, 2023

Merci pour la description 👍🏻

Annick March 04, 2023

Merci pour ce tuto, je vais me lancer! Par contre à quelle distance du bas trace t on les repères noeuds?

Marine March 01, 2023

J’ai adoré ce tuto simple et rapide ! Merci

Jade February 27, 2023

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